FB4 Beam Content Pack 1.0 | Pangolin Laser Systems

FB4 Beam Content Pack 1.0

Pangolin is pleased to announce the release of our
NEW FB4 Beam Content Pack 1.0!

FB4 Beam Content Pack 1.0

Jam-packed with over 1500 custom made cues, the FB4 content pack gives you everything you need to control your lasers from a lighting console without the need for a PC! The content pack was designed for many different use cases. Starting you off with 80 basic cues (gobos) to get you going for quick and easy operation.

From there, we've added over 500 unique cues, including effects like hot beams, liquid sky, fans, sheets, and more. Each cue inside the content pack has been fully optimized, running at the same, or close to the same FPS, with perfect loops and no tails, for amazing performance on almost all laser projectors.

FB4 Beam Content Pack Downloads

Installation Manual


Content Pack Manual


Full FB4 Content Pack


Simples Pack


Ultra Simples Pack


BEYOND Workspace


Learn How To Install The Content Pack

See what's possible with the FB4 Content Pack!

We are very excited to see the incredible shows that everyone will be able to create using the FB4 Content Pack and we hope that everyone enjoys the content within it!

Take a look at the cues inside the FB4 Content Pack



Production Update 1288 - Features Overview
Lasers & Pyro - Happy 4th of July!



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